

Here's How You Can Achieve Superior Inbox Deliverability & See Record Opens, Clicks & Sales From All Your Email Campaigns, In As Little As 24 Hours From Now

This step by step video training will show you a UNIQUE, FAST and EASY way to improve your deliverability, so you see a dramatic increase in open rates, click through rates and sales from all your email marketing campaigns



+341 Students

This Is A Shortcut To Getting More People To See Your Messages, Whilst Increasing Your List Profits By 30-50%

If you're fed up of low open rates or sick of seeing your messages land in the spam or promo tabs instead of your subscribers main inbox, then this online training course will show you how to fix those issues and INSTANTLY improve the deliverability of your emails, so you can start generating more revenue from your campaigns in as little as 24 hours from now.

Lesson 1

The Easiest Way To See If You Have Any Email Deliverability Issues

I'm going to show you how to easily test any email campaign for deliverability issues to see if it lands in the subscribers primary tab, promo tab or spam folder.

Lesson 2

The 3 Things Affecting Your Email Deliverability Right Now

You'll learn how your domain reputation, ip reputation and content of your emails can affect the deliverability of your campaigns in a big way.

Lesson 3

How To Make Promotional Emails Land In The Main Inbox

In this video I'll walk you through how to stop your email campaigns from landing in the 'Promo Tab' by adding a simple block of text to all your messages.

Lesson 4

Adding SPF, DKIM & DMARC To Avoid The Spam Folder

SPF, DKIM and DMARC play a MAJOR role in deliverability. I'll teach you how to check to see if you have these set up correctly and fix any issues.

Lesson 5

Creating Subscriber Segments To Increase Your Open Rates

Here's how to create segments of your subscribers to increase your open rates and improve your sending reputation with the major email providers.

Lesson 6

Using A 'Warmup' Service To Improve Your Sending Reputation

Want to learn how to use an automated service to 'warm up' your emails and improve your domain and ip reputation so you get better deliverability?

Bonus Lesson

Migrating Your List Over To A New ESP & Doubling Your Open Rates

A quick walk through of how to swap your ESP successfully using segments and in turn see higher open rates and cheaper costs.

Bonus Lesson

How To Make Money From Anyone Who Unsubscribes From Your List

What if there was a way you could make money from people who unsubscribe from your list? I'll show you how to do exactly that in this video.

By the end of this online course you will see a HUGE increase in the amount of opens, clicks and sales you get from all your email marketing campaigns within 24 hours and will NEVER have to worry about ANY deliverability issues again.

* If you invest in this course today, we GUARANTEE it will help you generate enough money to cover the cost at least 100x over, if you're selling products and services on a regular basis with email marketing and you have a decent sized list.

Click The Button Below To Get More Opens, Clicks & Sales From Your Email Marketing Campaigns Within The Next 24 Hours

Sign up to the course by clicking the button below and I'll show you the easiest and FASTEST way to improve the deliverability of all your email marketing campaigns and hit your subscribers INBOX every single time.



+341 Students

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